Useful Tips For Cooking On A Charcoal BBQ

Are you a proud new owner of a charcoal BBQ or contemplating between gas and charcoal grills? Look no further! In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore various methods to raise your game when cooking on charcoal.
Dispelling BBQ Myths:
Let's debunk a common myth: leaving the lid open while cooking on a charcoal BBQ. Contrary to popular belief, cooking with the lid open reduces temperature control. This practice leads to excessive heat, resulting in burnt food and a ruined BBQ experience. Additionally, keeping the lid closed retains the authentic flavour imparted by charcoal, ensuring even cooking and minimizing flare-ups.
Techniques For Cooking On Charcoal
Direct Cooking – Grilling:
Perfect for quick grilling sessions (under 20 minutes), direct cooking is ideal for achieving that classic BBQ char.
- Open the lid and bowl vents.
- Remove the cooking grate and prepare a chimney starter of charcoal.
- Evenly distribute lit charcoal over the charcoal grate.
- Replace the cooking grate and position food directly above the hot coals.
- Close the lid and only lift it when necessary.
- Adjust the lid vent to control temperature if needed.
- Indirect Cooking – Roasting/Baking
For roasting or baking, indirect cooking transforms your BBQ into a flavourful oven, ideal for delicate foods requiring longer cooking times.
- Open the lid and bowl vents.
- Remove the cooking grate and prepare charcoal in a chimney starter.
- Arrange hot coals on either side of the charcoal grate.
- Place a large drip pan in the middle to collect fats.
- Replace the cooking grate and position food over the drip pan.
- Close the lid and monitor cooking without flipping the food.
- Use the lid vent to regulate temperature as necessary.
50/50 Cooking Method:
Combine elements of direct and indirect cooking for versatility in cooking various foods, from searing meats to slow-cooking chicken or sausages.
- Open the lid and bowl vents.
- Remove the cooking grate and prepare charcoal in a chimney starter.
- Position glowing briquettes on one side of the charcoal grate, leaving the other side clear.
- Place a large drip tray on the side without charcoal and add water.
- Replace the cooking grate and arrange food accordingly.
- Sear quickly over hot coals, then move to the cooler side to finish cooking.
- Keep the lid closed for consistent cooking.
By mastering these techniques for cooking on charcoal, you'll elevate your outdoor culinary skills and delight friends and family with perfectly grilled meals every time. Whether you're a novice or a seasoned BBQ enthusiast, these methods ensure a memorable and delicious BBQ experience.